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骨質密度檢查 (DEXA/DXA) 優惠海報
Bone Densitometry(DEXA/DXA)
播道醫院配備了GE Lunar Prodigy ADVANCE雙能量骨質密度檢查儀,能進行全身骨質密度及身體成分的一次性掃描,掃描範圍更廣。DEXA/DXA是一種評估骨質內鈣和礦物含量的方法,其放射劑量比傳統肺部X光低,具有相對安全和準確的特點。   骨質疏鬆高危一族: 中年/長者 缺乏運動 家族遺傳 過量攝取鈉/咖啡因 長期鈣質/維他命D攝取不足 不良習慣 (吸煙、酗酒) 內分泌失調 長期服用高劑量類固醇藥物   醫院特別為50歲以上的朋友提供骨質密度檢查六折優惠(折後價只須660元), 75歲以上的長者更可享半價優惠(折後價只須550元)! (詳情請參閱海報)     別錯過這個難得的機會,立即預約吧!   Link of Radiology Imaging Service Enquiry & Appointment Tel:  2711 5222
Psychological Counselling Service - Elderly Discount
解通身心 樂活人生   長者心理輔導優惠 65歲以長者 - 9折優惠   Link of Psychological Assessment & Counselling Service Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2176 0222
特殊教育需要 (SEN) - 教育心理學家評估海報
SEN - Educational Psychological Assessment
We are providing Educational Psychological Assessment to children with special educational needs (SEN).Link of Psychological Assessment & Counselling Service Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2176 0222
HA Referral Discount - Radiology Imaging Services
Medical Technologies have developed rapidly nowadays. However the demand for medical services of public organization including public hospital also increase in an extremely high ratio, as the service supplies level from public organization are insufficient. And these make some of the patients cannot receive treatment efficiently.Patients need to wait for at least one year or even longer period for Ultrasounds scan, CT scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).Our Hospital cooperates with the HA hospitals, provide discount offer to referrals by HA* :- Specialist Consultation- PET-CT Scanning- Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI)- CT Scanning- X-ray- Ultrasound- ECG- Stress Test/Treadmill- Lung Capacity Test(Offers are applicable to the first consultation only)* The above offer is subject to change without prior notice.* The above offer cannot be used with other offer, discount or promotion.   Link of Radiology Imaging Service Enquiry & Appointment Tel:  2711 5222
HA Referral Discount - Physiotherapy Service
Our Hospital is providing discount offer on physiotherapy services for patients referred by HA Hospitals, please refer to the following details : We provide 20% discount on physiotherapy service for HA referral cases (outpatient only, not applicable to inpatient). Patient should present the original copy of the referral letter to enjoy the offer。 The validity of each referral letter is 3 months, patient could enjoy the offer unlimited times during the period. This offer is not applicable to stroke rehabilitation, brain rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation or occupational therapy services. This offer is not applicable to medical / healthcare products. Health Care Voucher could be used with this offer. The offer could not be used in conjunction with any other promotion. The details of the discount are subject to the information of the Physiotherapy Department of our Hospital. The terms and conditions of this offer are subject to change without prior notice.   Link of Physiotherapy Service   Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2760 3444 (Physiotherapy Department)
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