
afternoon PE poster 202406

Summer Afternoon Checkup Discount

Afternoon Checkup Discount: 2pm to 4pm, Monday to Friday (Not available on Sunday and Public Holidays)   Promotion Period: 17 Jul 2024 - 31 Aug 2024 (Appointment is needed)   Details of Offer Medical Checkup Page     Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2711 5222 
天灸 poster 202406


傳統的天灸多在三伏天進行,稱為「三伏天灸」。三伏天的日期是按照中國傳統的干支紀日法來推算,選一年中陽氣最旺之時候施以治療。三伏天灸是以中醫學「冬病夏治」「春夏養陽」等理論為依據,針對冬天容易發作的復發性疾病,例如哮喘,提早在夏天作預防性治療,以減低冬天的發病率。   2024年三伏天灸 :收費:$640   服務地點 :播道醫院中醫診所   查詢及預約 電話: 2762 2218
weight management children 202406

Children and Youth Weight Management Program

【兒童及青少年健營體重管理計劃】   暑假大變身!不用「捱餓」,健康地飽住瘦營養師制訂健康餐單 + 物理治療師設計運動計劃 (對象6-18歲人士)   全科醫生診症 1次 註冊營養師指導 5次 物理治療師運動指導 4次 體能測試 2次   優惠價:$3530  原價:$4,410   Details of Dietetics Counselling Service   Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2711 5222
cataract poster 20240507

Cataract Surgery Discounted Package

Cataract Surgery Discounted Package includes :   Phacoemulsification Hospital’s surgeon fee (under Local Anaesthesia) Operating theatre charge, instrument, equipment and consumables for operation Essential medication for operation Designated transparent or Yellow-tinted Intraocular lens (Monofocal) Pre-op and Post-op Nursing care and treatment Two follow-up sessions at OPD (within 6 weeks after operation)* Comprehensive eye examination at our Hospital (within 3 months after operation) *The package fee does not include the first outpatient consultation fee and functional intraocular lens (advanced lens)     Package price:Start at $19,800 Original price : $20,800 (One Eye & For Day Case Only)       Package Details Service Leaflet Details of Operation Service       Cataract Surgery HotlineTel : 2760 3420 (Outpatient Dept)     WhatsApp EnquiryTel : 5990 1934           Evangel Hospital YouTube Channel : E-Health   Chapter 2: Cataract - Types of intraocular lens, Post-surgical care (Dr. Yau Kin - Specialist in Ophthalmology)       Chapter 1: Cataract - Trend, Symptoms & Treatments (Dr. Yau Kin - Specialist in Ophthalmology)        


【預防子宮頸癌,從HPV DNA檢測做起】   衞生署建議30-64歲婦女可採用人類乳頭瘤病毒檢測(HPV DNA),作為篩查子宮頸癌的其中一個方法。 HPV DNA檢測靈敏度較高,能於較早期發現癌前病變;如檢測結果為陰性,只要每5年檢測一次便可。   播道醫院現正推出HPV DNA檢測優惠 $850,已參加體檢的女士只需另加$490,即可進行檢測。HPV DNA檢測 + 柏氏抹片優惠 $1,100,已參加體檢的女士只需另加$890。   優惠期: 即日起 - 2024年12月31日   Information of Medical Checkup   Enquiry & Appointment2760 3420
total knee poster 202404

Total Knee Replacement Operation Package

The aim of total knee replacement is to reduce the knee pain and improves the range of movement, so that people can have a pain free, functional knee. The average survival for total knee replacement is around 15 to 20 years, it is recommended that for patient age over 50 and with severe knee pain can consider joint replacement surgery.Indication:Severe osteoarthritis knee, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, fracture that lead to severe knee pain, swelling and limited range of movement.Aims of surgery:• To reduce pain• To Improve the range of movement of kneeOperation Procedure:• Total knee replacement is performed with a 15-20 cm midline wound across the knee joint. The articular bone and cartilage at femoral side and tibial side have to be removed. The implants are fixed with cement.• The femoral articular surface and tibial tray are made of cobalt-chromium and titanium alloys. The articulate insert is made of highly cross-linked polyethylene.Package Price:$133,000 (Effective on 6 May 2024)Details of PackageDetails of Operation Service Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2711 5222 / 2760 3420
fibroscan poster-01

Fibro Scan Discount

播道醫院配備先進無輻射性的肝纖維化掃描儀 (FibroScan® Compact 530 - Echosens),能評估病人的肝臟硬度、肝臟纖維化及脂肪肝程度等,有助及早診斷。此外,這是一種非入侵性技術,檢測時不會感到任何痛楚,安全可靠。   肝纖維化高危一族: 三高 (高血糖、高血脂、高血壓) 缺乏運動、肥胖 酗酒、脂肪肝 糖尿病患者 肝炎帶菌者 (乙型或丙型) 酒精性肝病患者 長期肝病患者   【特別優惠 - 五折】 折後只須600元(原價1200元) (詳情請參閱海報)     優惠期有限,防患於未然,請及早進行檢測!   Details of Radiology Imaging Service Enquiry & Appointment Tel:  2711 5222
physio HA 202312

HA Referral Discount - Physiotherapy Service

Our Hospital is providing discount offer on physiotherapy services for patients referred by HA Hospitals, please refer to the following details :1. We provide 20% discount on physiotherapy service for HA referral cases (outpatient only, not applicable to inpatient).2. Patient should present the original copy of the referral letter to enjoy the offer。3. The validity of each referral letter is 3 months, patient could enjoy the offer unlimited times during the period.4. This offer is not applicable to stroke rehabilitation, brain rehabilitation, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation or occupational therapy services.5. This offer is not applicable to medical / healthcare products.6. Health Care Voucher could be used with this offer.7. The offer could not be used in conjunction with any other promotion.8. The details of the discount are subject to the information of the Physiotherapy Department of our Hospital. The terms and conditions of this offer are subject to change without prior notice.   Details of Physiotherapy Service   Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2760 3444 (Physiotherapy Department)  
Dexa poster 202407-01

Bone Densitometry(DEXA/DXA)

播道醫院配備了GE Lunar Prodigy ADVANCE雙能量骨質密度檢查儀,能進行全身骨質密度及身體成分的一次性掃描,掃描範圍更廣。DEXA/DXA是一種評估骨質內鈣和礦物含量的方法,其放射劑量比傳統肺部X光低,具有相對安全和準確的特點。   骨質疏鬆高危一族: 中年/長者 缺乏運動 家族遺傳 過量攝取鈉/咖啡因 長期鈣質/維他命D攝取不足 不良習慣 (吸煙、酗酒) 內分泌失調 長期服用高劑量類固醇藥物   醫院特別為50歲以上的朋友提供骨質密度檢查六折優惠(折後價只須660元), 75歲以上的長者更可享半價優惠(折後價只須550元)! (詳情請參閱海報)     別錯過這個難得的機會,立即預約吧!   Details of Radiology Imaging Service Enquiry & Appointment Tel:  2711 5222
PAC SEN poster 20231219-01

SEN - Educational Psychological Assessment

We are providing Educational Psychological Assessment to children with special educational needs (SEN).Psychological Assessment & Counselling Centre Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2176 0222 WhatsApp (Corporate Communication & Marketing Department)
PCC elderly 202309-01

Psychological Counselling Service - Elderly Discount

解通身心 樂活人生   長者心理輔導優惠 65歲以長者 - 9折優惠   Psychological Assessment & Counselling Centre Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2176 0222      

Invitation to Join the "Evangel Hospital Patient Advisory Group"

To strengthen doctor-patient cooperation and continuously improve the quality of care and services at our hospital, Evangel Hospital will be establishing a "Patient Advisory Group" to provide a platform for patients to express their opinions on our services.   We sincerely invite members of the public to join the group. Through this platform, we hope to build a formal two-way communication channel between healthcare professionals and patients, allowing patients to have greater participation in the hospital's service review process. Members will include the Hospital's management team, public members, professionals, and relevant department heads. Public member positions will be open for application by patients who have used our services in the past three years. Members will provide feedback on patients' needs, concerns, and interests, and make suggestions regarding the Hospital's existing services and facilities. By gathering voices from the community, the group will help the Hospital further understand patients' needs and respond appropriately.   Members of the "Patient Advisory Group" will work with the Hospital management and other department heads to build mutual trust and contribute to improving Evangel Hospital's services. If you are interested in joining the group, please refer to the attached 【Terms of Reference of the Patient Advisory Group】 to understand how the group operates, then complete and submit the attached application form (email to [email protected]) or online application form. Applications will be processed by a selection panel. For enquiries, please contact Ms. Cheung, the Associate Communications & Marketing Manager, at 2305 0556.   【Terms of Reference of the Patient Advisory Group】 【Application Form  (PDF format)】 【Application Form  (Online Google form)】  
corporate video_01

Corporate Video (Updated Version)

  Video Link  Evangel Hospital opened its doors to serve the community in 1950s. The Hospital began as a joint project of the Evangelical Free Church of China and the Evangelical Free Church of America. The medical ministry started as a medical centre in the Kowloon City area. The Hospital moved to its existing site in 1965 and was formally named the Evangel Hospital. The objective of the Hospital is to demonstrate the compassion of God through the provision of holistic care by ministering to serve the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the whole person. The Hospital provides quality health care services in the spirit of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
171 戒備應變級別 20230601-01

Alert Emergency Response Level

For Novel Infectious Disease of Public Health Significance(Updated on:2023.06.01)

Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Accreditation (2022)

Evangel Hospital is awarded full accreditation on all categories (EQuIP7 Standard) by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS).  The accreditation status valid till 2025.


「身體的感覺」 與 「情緒」 之間是如何互動的呢?有興趣進一步了解更多嗎?歡迎與心理評測及輔導中心聯絡。 Psychological Assessment & Counselling Centre Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2176 0222 WhatsApp (Corporate Communication & Marketing Department)


”個心囉囉攣”,心煩的事好似成日在腦中轉著停不了。”個心好重”,下著雨的心情很想驟然看見晴天。煩事,煩心;有如在漆黑的隧道中,期待看見透光的出口;又有如走避追擊,走在逃離險地的路上。在逆境中,我們需要有人深度同行。情緒與大腦神經系統有關,情緒受著交感神經與副交感神經的運作影響著。在生活中,外來的剌激會使我們有不同的自動反應,好似身不由己,對此狀況有多一點認識和體會,可以幫忙我們接納及調節情緒。如想了解更多,可致電21760222與我們聯絡。   Psychological Assessment & Counselling Centre Enquiry & AppointmentTel: 2176 0222 WhatsApp (Corporate Communication & Marketing Department)


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