
Useful Info


Service Leaflets (Text)

Hospital Services

Evangel Hospital

is a not-for-profit Christian community hospital established in 1965. The mission of the Hospital is to provide holistic and compassionate care and to share the Christian Gospel message.



Scope of Service

  • Outpatient Service   Tel: 27603420

    General Outpatient Clinic

    Family Medicine

    Specialist Clinics
    Including Internal Medicine, Surgery, Cardio-thoracic Surgery, O&G, Ophthalmology, ENT, Dermatology, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Nephrology, Urology, Metabolic & Obesity Surgery, Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry, Clinical Oncology, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolisum, etc.

    Cleft Lip & Palate Surgery

    Metabolic & Obesity Surgery

    Orthopedic Pain & Minimally Invasive Surgery

    Plastic & Reconstruction Surgery Clinic

    Women's Health & Breast Clinic

    Dental Clinic  Tel: 2760 3444

    Chinese Medicine Clinic  Tel: 2762 2218

    Optometric Centre Tel: 2526 5308

    Psychological Assessment & Counselling Centre  Tel: 2176 0222



  • Inpatient Service   Tel: 2760 3412
    Our Mixed Ward provides service to medical, surgical, gynaecological, paediatric and other specialist assigned patients. Types of ward include standard room, semi-private room, semi-private single room and private room.  
  • Operating Theatre & Endoscopy Centre  Tel: 2760 3412
    Our operating theatres support different types of operations. Our Endoscopy Centre provides direct access endoscopy service to patients referred from their own family doctors.


  • Diagnostic Service    Tel: 2760 3415

    Radiology & Imaging

    PET-CT Scanning

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

    Computerized Tomography (CT Scanning)

    3D Digital Mammogram

    Ultrasound & X-Ray

    DEXA Bone Density Measurement

    Cardiac Examination

    Centre for Lung Health & Sleep Diagnostics

    Urology Diagnosis



  • Allied Medical Service  Tel: 2711 5222
    Dietetic & Weight Management


    Psychological Assessment & Counselling

    Chaplain Pastoral Care


    Histopathology Laboratory

  • Medical Checkup  Tel: 2711 5222
    A regular medical checkup would help you know more about the state of your health and detect disease earlier. Our hospital has designed various Medical Checkups to meet your healthcare needs.

For more details, please refer to our website




Service Location



Evangel Hospital

222 Argyle Street, Kowloon.

Tel: 2711 5222

Fax: 2761 1469

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.evangel.org.hk


Bus Route

  1. 3B, 5, 5A, 5C, 5D, 5P, 11, 11B, 11K, 12A, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22M, 26, 61X, 75X, 85, 85A, 85X, 101, 106, 107, 108, 111, 116, 796X
  2. 3B, 5, 5A, 5C, 5D, 5P, 11, 11B, 11K, 12A, 14, 15, 17 ,21, 22M, 26, 28, 61X, 75X, 85, 85A, 85X, 101, 106, 107, 108,111, 116, 297, 796X
  3. 2A, 9, 13D, 16, 98C, 98S, 203E, 296C, 796C
  4. 2A, 9, 13D, 16, 24, 27, 98C, 98S, 203E, 296C, 796C, N2165:
  5. 1A, 2D, 6D, 11D, 11K, 12A, 24, 27, 42, 75X, 85, 85A, 85B, 85X, 95, 113, N293
  6. 1, 1A, 6D, 7B, 11D, 11K, 12A, 42, 75X, 85, 85A, 85B, 85X, 113, N216, 891

MTR Route

  • Use Exit B1 of Sung Wong Toi Station, then use the left tunnel to Arygle Street Playground.
  • Use Exit D2 of Mongkok Station, then take the bus or minibus (to Choi Hung or San Po Kwong), get off at Forfar Road.
  • Use Exit E of Kowloon Tong Station, then take the minibus 25M to Prince Edward Road West near Lomond Road.


Evangel Hospital Chinese Medicine Clinic

Shop 45, G/F, Chi Chun Lau, Chun Seen Mei Chuen, Fu Ning

Street, Kowloon City, Kowloon.

Tel: 2762 2218

Fax: 2762 2219


Evangel Hospital Optometric Centre

Shop 15, G/F, Chi Chun Lau, Chun Seen Mei Chuen, Fu Ning

Street, Kowloon City, Kowloon.

Tel: 2526 5308

Fax: 2526 5368


Evangel Hospital Psychological Assessment & Counselling Centre

G/F, 2 Sung Wong Toi Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon.

Tel: 2176 0222

Fax: 2761 1469


Please contact the above clinics for details of the service hours.



Service Leaflet (PDF)


Radiology & Imaging Services


本院設有先進的數碼磁力共振掃描系統,並由專業的放射診斷專科醫生及放射師提供高質素的造影服務和診斷。本中心配備之Philips Ingenia 1.5T乃優質、全數碼及高解像磁力共振掃描系統,它所提供的高質素影像,能大大幫助醫生對病人作出準確的診斷和提供最佳的治療方案。





  • 腦血管疾病及腦腫瘤
  • 動脈疾病(包括動脈瘤、動脈粥樣硬化導致動脈狹窄或閉塞及其他)
  • 心臟病(包括缺血性心臟病、心肌病、先天性心臟病及其他)
  • 外週血管疾病
  • 脊椎及運動創傷
  • 腎病及腎血管疾病
  • 骨骼關節及軟組織疾病
  • 腫瘤
  • 肝膽疾病
  • 婦科及乳房疾病








  • 執行心臟掃描時,由於儀器掃描速度快,因此心律不整、心房纖維性顫動、或因緊張而臨時心跳加快的患者無需使用β-Blocker等減緩心跳速度之藥物,仍可完成心臟掃描。大幅降低患者對藥物過敏所需承擔的風險,仍能取得清楚準確的冠狀動脈影像。
  • 能在短時間內覆蓋更大範圍,顯影劑停留於血管或相關器官所需的時間亦可減少,因此顯影劑總注射劑量會顯著降低,從而減低腎臟的負荷。相比傳統單源頭電腦斷層掃描器,輻射劑量可減至約60%。
  • 由於掃描速度快,不再需要保持閉氣狀態來獲取無動態(清晰)圖像。對於長時間難以屏住呼吸的老人和兒童尤其有益處。它減少了由於圖像質量欠佳而需召回重檢。



  • 心血管掃描
  • 腦部掃描
  • 胸部掃描
  • 腹部掃描
  • 盆腔掃描
  • 3D血管掃描

- 頸部血管掃描

- 腦基底部Willis氏血管掃描

- 腎臟血管掃描

- 肺部血管掃描

- 肢體血管掃描





本院的正電子電腦掃描中心採用GE Healthcare Discovery MI數碼正電子及電腦掃描系統,是近年PET CT先進的影像檢查設備,亦是未來的趨勢。相較市場上傳統的非數碼化(Analogue)系統,新系統有更高的敏感度及影像解析度,有效減少檢查者在過程中使用的掃描時間及放射性藥物劑量高達一半,令檢查者所吸收的輻射量比同類型檢查為低。數碼化的探頭亦能大大增加影像質素,有效提升準確度及能偵察細小早期病灶。



  • 提早發現癌細胞病變
  • 判斷癌症源頭
  • 診斷癌症期數
  • 分辨腫瘤是否出現擴散情況
  • 提供資料協助腫瘤治療
  • 評估治療成效
  • 監察癌症復發跡象



  • 有效減低掃描時間及放射劑量
  • 減少影像雜訊及提高影像質素
  • 準確度和影像質素,高達雙倍提升
  • 提升細微病灶的檢出率




DEXA Bone Densitometry

雙能量X光吸收儀,簡稱DEXA,主要用作檢查骨質密度,是目前評估骨質健康狀況的最佳方法。本院設有先進的HOLOGIC Discovery Ci雙能量X光吸收儀,醫生可透過該檢查來診斷骨質疏鬆症,來判斷未來發生骨折的風險,以及評估骨質疏鬆症治療的效果。標準的檢查部位為第1至4節腰椎及左髖關節,一般只需10-15分鐘便可得知結果。測試過程安全、無痛、快捷及準確,而偵測出來的誤差約為1%,可精確診斷出骨質密度情況。





骨質密度屬於正常 : T 評分高過 -1

骨質密度偏低 : T 評分 -1至 -2.5

骨質密度極低 : T 評分低於 -2.5

嚴重骨質疏鬆 : T 評分低於 -2.5 和曾患有骨折




Digital Mammography

本院設有先進的乳房X光造影系統HOLOGIC Selenia Dimensions 3D Mammograhy System,該系統可提供卓越的圖像質量,高效率的檢查及可配合各種先進的臨床應用軟件一併使用,為病人提供適切及有效的造影服務。此外,它的Genius 3D Mammography更可發現早期的乳癌及減少因假陽性結果而需召回重檢的機會。



  • 乳癌檢測率比傳統2D造影高41%。
  • 不論乳房的大小,只需7秒便可完成斷層掃描。
  • 減少曝光次數,可減低病人接收的輻射量。
  • 臨床證實輻射量與傳統的2D造影相若。
  • 減少因假陽性結果而需召回重檢的機會達40%。
  • 因掃描時間短,可減輕乳房受壓的不適。








  • 這是一種沒有輻射,無創傷性的檢驗
  • 比較快捷,方便和舒適



  • 孕婦胎兒檢查︰診斷胎兒是否正常成長
  • 彩色多普勒檢查︰診斷四肢血管阻塞
  • 超聲波指引下抽取腫瘤活組織手術,例如乳癌等
  • 甲狀腺
  • 男女生殖器官
  • 腹腔檢查
  • 乳房檢查








Service Leaflet (PDF)

Positron Emission Tomography & Computed Tomography (Pet-CT)

PET-CT Centre

PET-CT Centre of Evangel Hospital is equipped with GE Healthcare Discovery MI positron emission tomography/computer tomography (Digital PET-CT). It is currently the most advanced PET- CT imaging technology and also a future trend. Comparing to traditional analogue system in the market, digital PET-CT has a higher sensitivity and image resolution. The new digital system could significantly reduce examination time and radiopharmaceutical dose up to 50%, allowing decrease absorption of radiation dose by examinees as compared to traditional systems. The digital detectors also could improve accuracy and help to identify small and early lesions.


Discovery MI

Advantages of DISCOVERY MI*
(*Depends on patient condition and examination items)


  1. Significant Reduction of Scanning Time & Radiation Dose
    Digital PET detector converts received radiation information directly to image signal. It increases the sensitivity of the equipment, allowing scanning time and radiation dose to be reduced.
  2. ASiR-V Reconstruction Technology
    Reducing image noise and enhancing image quality.
  3. Up to 2x Improvement of Image Quality & Accuracy
    Innovative reconstruction technology including the combination of Time-of-Flight (TOF) and Q.Clear, which improves image quality and accuracy.
  4. Increasing the Detectability of Small Lesions
    Improves the visualization of small lesions so that early cancer/abnormalities can be easily detected.




  • Fasting at least 6 hours prior to examination.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise at least 1 day prior to examination.
  • Do not undergo a barium meal examination within 2 weeks prior to examination.
  • For diabetic patients, please also inform our staff.
  • Do not undergo PET CT examination if you are pregnant.



  • Please change your clothing and remove all objects that may interfere with the scan.
  • Medical history will be collected by our staff.
  • The radiopharmaceuticals will be injected intravenously. Please wait about 45 mins and allow radiopharmaceuticals to concentrate in the organ or tissue.
  • During uptake of radiopharmaceuticals, please drink 500ml of water as instructed.
  • Please empty the bladder prior to the start of the scan.
  • During the scan, the scanner will move slowly over the body part being studied.
  • In general, the examination could take around 2 to 2.5 hours. If delay scan needed, examination time might be further extended.


What medical information could be gathered from PET-CT?

  1. Distinguishing cancer at early stage
  2. Identifying location and structure of tumour
  3. Grading and staging of cancer
  4. Determining condition of metastasis, if any
  5. Assisting in treatment planning
  6. Assessing treatment effectiveness
  7. Monitoring cancer recurrence if any


Service Leaflet (PDF)


Total Knee Replacement Operation


In a normal knee joint, there is a thin layer of hyaline cartilage covering on the articular surface. This smooth layer of cartilage can help to reduce the friction between the joint surface. Upon aging, the loss of articular cartilage leads to narrowing of joint space, increases friction and pressure on the articular surface, resulted in knee pain.


The aim of total knee replacement is to reduce the knee pain and improves the range of movement, so that people can have a pain free, functional knee. The average survival for total knee replacement should last around 15 to 20 years, it is recommended that for patient age over 50 and with severe knee pain can consider joint replacement surgery.


Normal Knee

Ageing Knee



Severe osteoarthritis knee, rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis, fracture that lead to severe knee pain, swelling and limited range of movement.


Aims of Surgery

To reduce pain

To improve the range of movement of knee


Operation Procedure


Alloy for Femur

Alloy for Tibia


Total knee replacement is performed with a 15-20 cm midline wound across the knee joint. The articular bone and cartilage at femoral side and tibial side have to be removed. The implants are fixed with cement.

The femoral articular surface and tibial tray are made of cobalt-chromium and titanium alloys. The articulate insert is made of highly cross-linked polyethylene.



Preparation Before Operation

  1. Basic blood test, electrocardiogram and Chest X ray.
  2. Stabilize the underlying medical condition eg. Ischemic heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, anaemia, shortness of breath.
  3. No food and drink 6 hours before operation.
  4. Clean the operative knee, may need shaving and urinary catheterization.



Spinal anaethesia or general anaesthesia.


Post Operative Care

  1. Usually will resume diet after operation.
  2. Crepe bandage may be applied on the knee to control the bleeding and swelling. 
  3. There may be a drain at the operative knee to drain out the blood. Foley catheter may be inserted when necessary. Need to pay attention to the drain and catheter when get out of the bed.
  4. Drain usually will be removed 1 or 2 days after the operation. 
  5. Analgesic will be prescribed to relieve the pain.
  6. Early mobilization is recommended. Can start walking with walking aids 1 to 2 days after the operation.


Discharge Plan

  • Patient usually can be discharged 3 to 4 days after the operation.
  • Wound will be healed around 10 to 14 days and the stitches will be removed after 2 weeks.



Risk of Operation and Complications


Risk of Anaethesia

  • General complications:
    Pneumonia, myocardiac infarction, stroke.
  • Risk of spinal anaethesia:
    Epidural haematoma, nerve injury.


General Complications of Surgery

  • Bleeding, haematoma, infection.
  • Wound complications.



Physiotherapy After Surgery

Lift up the foot and toes, hold for 2 seconds, then move the foot down for 2 seconds, repeat 10 times.


Put a towel beneath the knee, press the knee down, hold for 10 seconds, 10-25 times a set, perform 3-4 sets a day.


Put a towel beneath the knee and make the knee bend in 30 degree, then straighten your leg, hold for 5-10 seconds, repeat 10 times.


Straighten the knee, lift the whole leg till 30 degree, keep it for 5-10 seconds, repeat 10 times.


Bend the knee as much as possible, then slowly straighten the leg, repeat 10 times, perform 3-4 sets a day.



Specific Complications for Total Knee Replacement

Nerve Injury

There may be numbness or weakness if the peripheral nerve gets injured.


Vascular Injury

The risk of vascular injury in total knee replacement is very rare. Arterial repair may be required if major artery injury happens.



Deep Vein Thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism


Leg Length Discrepancy



Fracture would happen during operation or after operation.



Loosening of the parts or joint dislocation.


Revision Surgery

Wearing is possible after joint replacement surgery. With time, there may be loosening of implants and need revision surgery. According to latest study, the survival for total knee replacement should last around 15-20 years.



Service Leaflet (PDF)


Physiotherapy Service

Our Physiotherapy Department provides holistic services in both in-patient and out-patient settings, catering for a wide range of rehabilitation needs.


Scope of Service



  • Sports Injuries
  • Fractures
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries
  • Faulty Postures
  • Post-operative Care
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Tennis Elbow
  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
  • Anterior/Posterior Cruciate Ligaments Injuries
  •  Plantar Fasciitis
  • Ankle Sprain
  • Prolapsed Intervertebral Discs


Neurology and Elderly Rehabilitation

Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia, Facial Nerve Palsy


Internal Medicine & Surgery

Pneumonia, Sputum Retention, pre- or post-operative Chest Care


Women’s Health

Urinary Incontinence, Lymphoedema after breast surgeries, Mastitis during breast feeding



Torticollis, Congenital foot deformities, Flat foot, Scoliosis




  • Clinical Pilates Training
  • (with reformer and trapeze table)
  • Shockwave Therapy
  • Exercise Therapy
  • Manual Therapy
  • Back and Neck Traction
  • Acupuncture
  • Ultrasound Treatment
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Shortwave Diathermy
  • Chest Physiotherapy (In-patient only)


Clinical Pilates

Making use of Clinical Pilates equipment “TRAPEZE TABLE” and “REFORMER” to facilitate the practice of Pilates exercise. Physiotherapist will give guidance on progressive training, to improve posture and core stability, and to relieve neck and back pain.


Orthotic Insole Prescription

Physiotherapist, after a lower limb biomechanic assessment, tailor-makes an orthotic insole by adding inserts and heat moulding. Orthotic insoles are beneficial for patients with flat feet, high arch feet and leg-length discrepancy, by minimizing the effect of faulty feet alignments to posture, gait and pain (plantar fasciitis, bunions, metatarsalgia, knee pain or even hip and back pain).


Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

ESWT, developed from the lithotripsy technology for kidney or bladder stone, is widely applied on orthopaedic conditions like plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, golfers’ elbow, Achilles’ tendinitis.


Neurology and Elderly Rehabilitation Exercises


Physiotherapist carry out a comprehensive assessment and devise a suitable exercise programme, on stretching, strengthening, gait and balance training.


Stress Urinary Incontinence

In women, physical changes resulting from pregnancy, childbirth and menopause often contribute to stress urinary incontinence. Our female physiotherapists provide advice on pelvic floor exercises and bladder training accordingly.


Other Services

Rehabilitation Device Rental / Purchase

We provide a wide range selection of rehabilitation devices, such as finger splints, knee braces, wrist splints, or electric blankets. We also provide the service of wheelchairs and walking aids rental/purchase.


Occupational Therapy Service

Occupational Therapy service is available by appointment, to provide custom made splints required post-operatively or pressure garments.


Weight-management Exercise Programme

Tailor-made exercise programmes for weight-management.


Service Hours

Monday to Friday:  8:30 am to 7:30 pm

Saturday:                8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed


The above services are subject to change without prior notice.



Service Leaflet (PDF)

Dietetic Counselling Service

Dietetic Counselling Service

Our registered dietitian provides personalized dietary advice to both in-patients and out-patients according to their medical condition and nutrition needs.




Dietary Management

  • Diabetes
    Dietary advices and carbohydrates counting are provided based on clients’ health condition and dietary habits for helping them in controlling blood glucose level within the normal range.
  • Pregnancy and Lactation
    Personalized dietary advices are provided to clients for ensuring adequate nutrition intake and healthy weight changes during pregnancy and lactation.


  • Hyperlipidemia and Hypertension
    Feasible dietary advices and healthy dine-out tips are provided for lowering clients’ fat and salt intake, which help improving their blood lipid and blood pressure.


  • Gout
    Providing dietary advice for lowering purine intake, which help lowering uric acid in blood.

  • Pediatric Nutrition
    Providing ways for parents in introducing solid food and choosing healthy food for picky eaters, in order to ensure their children having adequate nutrition intake and healthy growth and development.

  • Malnutrition
    Helping clients developing balance dietary pattern and introducing oral nutrition supplement when necessary, in order to achieve healthy weight gain for clients and improve their health condition.


  • Nutrition for Cancer and Surgical Patients
    Assessing and improving nutrition condition for cancer and surgical patients for reducing risk of malnutrition and improving their health condition during and after treatment.

  • Renal Nutrition
    Providing feasible dietary advice for renal patients based on their healthy and medical condition.


  • Weight Management Counselling Service
    Our registered dietitian assesses nutrition needs of overweight and obese clients, provides personalized dietary meal plans, dine out tips, cooking tips and monitor clients’ health condition in order to achieve healthy weight loss and keep their weight within healthy range.
    Our weight management packages are operated by a team of health professionals including doctors, registered dietitian and physiotherapists, which aim at helping clients achieving their weight within healthy range.


  • Community Nutrition Services
    Our registered dietitian provides community nutrition service, such as delivering nutrition talks and doing nutrition assessment on menus, to schools, nursing home and community organizations.




Diet is an essential part of everyone’s lives. There are many diseases related to poor dietary habits. Our registered dietitian provides personalized and feasible dietary advices for helping clients developing healthy eating pattern, improving their health condition and reducing risks in suffering from various kinds of diseases.




Service Hours of Dietitian

Monday  –  Friday   9am - 5pm

Saturday                  9am - 2pm

Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays



Service Leaflet (PDF)

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