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Medical Benefits for EFCC Employees & Members
Evangel Hospital is a medical service organization of the Evangelical Free Church of China(EFCC) and has been serving for over fifty years. The EFCC has always emphasized the spirit of being one family in faith. As part of the EFCC, the Hospital is committed to providing high-quality and affordable medical benefits for their employees & members. Starting from July 30, 2024, Evangel Hospital has launched a new mobile application. Employees and members of the EFCC can apply membership for themselves and their immediate family members through the App, and enjoy medical benefits for Outpatient services, Inpatient services, CT scans, MRI, Dental services, and Physiotherapy etc.   Application Method and Benefit Details Download the Mobile AppDownload the Details of Benefits   Important Notes No more paper applications will be accepted. All member applications (including affiliated beneficiaries) must be submitted through the mobile program (excluding Evangel Children's Home and students of Evangel Seminary). Existing members will have their membership status automatically appear in the Membership Zone once they download the App and complete the registration. Affiliated beneficiaries refer to the applicant's immediate family members, including spouses, parents, and children under 18 years old. If the applicant provides false information, Evangel Hospital reserves the right to terminate their membership and seek compensation.
Medical Benefits for Church and Christian Organization’s Employees
"Medical Benefit for Church and Christian Organizations' employees" is designed for full-time or part-time salaried employees serving under non-EFCC churches and Christian organizations. Starting from July 30, 2024, Evangel Hospital has launched a mobile application. Church and Christian Organizations’ employees can apply for the Evangel Hospital’s membership through this mobile application, and enjoy medical benefits including Outpatient services, Inpatient services, CT scans, MRI, dental services, and Physiotherapy etc.   Application Method and Benefit DetailsDownload the Mobile AppLink of Details of Benefits   Important Notes No more paper applications will be accepted. All new member applications must be submitted through the mobile App. Existing members with valid membership will have their membership status automatically appear in the membership zone once they download the App and complete the registration. Benefits are only provided to full-time and part-time employees of churches and organizations, but no longer cover their family members. Enjoy the benefits instantly through easy in-app registration! If the church or organization is not listed in the mobile App, it may take about three working days for us to complete the application. There is no need for pastoral colleagues to confirm or renew these employees’ identities. The application is free of charge. If there is a change in membership status, they can simply update their membership status through the mobile App themselves. If the applicant provides false information, Evangel Hospital reserves the right to terminate their membership and seek compensation.
HA Referral Discount_Radiology Imaging Services
Radiology Imaging Service - HA Referral Discount Offer
Our Hospital cooperates with the HA hospitals, providing discount offers to referrals by HA* :- Specialist Consultation- PET-CT Scanning (40%off)- Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) (35%off - Valid until 2025.9.30)- CT Scanning (30%off)- X-ray (20%off)- Ultrasound (20%off)- ECG- Stress Test/Treadmill- Lung Capacity TestRemarks: The discount offer applies only to outpatient services and does not apply to inpatient services. Patients must hold an original referral letter from the Hospital Authority to enjoy this discount offer.   Link of Radiology Imaging Service Enquiry & Appointment Tel:  2711 5222
Physiotherapy Service - HA Referral Discount Offer
Physiotherapy Service - HA Referral Discount Offer
由即日起,本院將為醫管局轉介病人提供物理治療服務八折優惠。詳情如下: 1. 醫管局轉介病人可獲物理治療服務八折優惠,優惠只適用於門診服務,並不適用於住院服務。2. 病人必須持有醫管局轉介信正本,方可享此優惠。3. 每封醫管局轉介信之有效優惠期為三個月,期間不限使用次數。4. 此優惠不適用於中風復康、腦科復康、心胸肺復康或職業治療服務。5. 此優惠不適用於購買醫療用品。6. 此優惠可與醫療券同時使用。7. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用。8. 優惠細節以本院物理治療部資訊為準,歡迎致電查詢,條款如有更改恕不另行通知。 Link of Details of Physiotherapy Service   Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2760 3444 (Physiotherapy Department)
Sleep Diagnostics - HA Referral Discount Offer
Sleep Diagnostics - HA Referral Discount Offer
由即日起,經醫管局轄下機構轉介至本院進行「多頻道睡眠測試」,可享優惠價港幣8880元(原價為港幣13170元)。如對本優惠有任何查詢,請致電2760 3420。什麼是「多頻道睡眠測試」?.無痛及無創性檢查,並於舒適房間進行.連續記錄腦電圖、眼電圖、下巴及腳肌電圖、呼吸量、腹胸肺壁移動及血氧量.詳盡專業測試報告.由呼吸系統科專科醫生主理測試及診斷Link of Details of Sleep Diagnostics CentreEnquiry & AppointmentTel: 2711 5222
Medical Benefits for Senior Citizen Cardholders
The Hospital is committed t serving the community and providing medical services and support to elders in the district. With immediate effect, Evangel Hospital will provide 10% discount on medical services to all valid Senior Citizen Card holders.
Discount Offer for Disabilities
Evangel Hospital is offering 10% off discount to all people with disabilities with immediate effect. This offer is available to holders of " Registration Card for Persons with Disabilities", including hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech impairment, physical disability, autism, mental illness, mentally and visceral disability, chronic illness, etc.
HK Multidisciplinary & Holistic Centre for Cleft Lip & Palate
One baby in 800 to 1000 live births in Hong Kong suffers from cleft lip or palate or a combination. Apart from repair of lip (usually at 3 months of age) and palate (usually at 9 months of age), long term problems such as speech, hearing (from glue ear), nasal congestion (from deformed nose), dental and facial bone development require treatment in order to restore normal appearance and regain confidence.The aim of setting up a “Hong Kong Multidisciplinary & Holistic Centre for Cleft Lip and Palate (HKMHCCLP)” is to address the need of these patients until they have restored all functions from the cleft lip and palate defects.
適時、適切、跨専業團隊計劃 (3R)海報
Right Care, Right Time & Right Team (3R) Project
Right Care, Right Time & Right Team (3R) Project is jointly organized by Evangel Children’s Home, Precious Blood Children’s Village and Sisters of the Good Shepherd, to provide comprehensive care plan for the admitted children. Project 3R is supported by The Community Chest of Hong Kong (April 2024 – Mar 2026). Evangel Hospital is the co-operation partner providing a series of medical and psychological services to the residents.Scope of Services• Receive case referrals by residential caseworkers and staff.• Arrange preliminary assessment, short-term treatment and medical referral by family doctors.• Coordinate referral to the medical team including family doctors, psychiatrist, clinical psychologist / psychotherapists / counselor, other specialists (e.g. gynecologist, dermatologist and Ophthalmologist) and para-medical staff (e.g. physiotherapist and dietitian) for assessment, counseling and short-term treatment.• Refer cases in need to public medical organizations for long term follow up.• Organize multi-disciplinary case conference to analyze and construct case planning.• Arrange training for frontline staff or carers.   Related Links: Link of Right Care, Right Time & Right Team (3R) Project Link of Facebook of Evangel Children's Home
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