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Allied Health Service

Chaplain Pastoral Care

Clinical Pastor Education “CPE”
To enhance the quality of chaplaincy service. To enhance the professional quality of pastoral care and personal growth of ministers and seminary students. Organise different types of CPE according to needs. 2019 Summer CPE (22/5-24/8/2019)     Course highlights           Students’ testimonials    Bianca Lo: Thanked to Evangel Hospital for giving me the opportunity to receive clinical pastoral education.  The experience of daily communication and contact with patients and chaplains had become a part of my life, which had made a positive impact on my future service and growth.  And if it were not for the guidance and protection of God, I would not have been able to complete this practicum.  May all glories and praises be to our Father in Heaven.     Iris Wong: The practicum and study of CPE enabled me to discover more of myself.  The growth experience during the studies has helped shaping who I am today.  Through the interactions and growing up with other students, the life lesson that I have learned will be useful throughout my lifetime.      Kate Yim: Through the CPE course, my deepest experience was being able to accompany patients at the right time.  It was far surpassed any languages.  Thanked to our Heavenly Father for the opportunity to study and appreciated Evangel Hospital for the provision of practicum and allow me to know more about myself.      Keith Leung: Recalling the CPE in last summer, it was a difficult but worthy experience for me. During the learning process, I found my life had grown up. Up till now CPE still has impact on my life today.      
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