Lung Health Screening Program - Lung Adenocarcinoma
Young non-smoking women can also get lung cancer
Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in Hong Kong, with more than 5,000 new cases diagnosed each year, causing nearly 4,000 deaths. It is generally believed that lung cancer patients are mostly long-term smokers or people exposed to carcinogens. However, an average of 3,000 new cases of lung adenocarcinoma are diagnosed each year in Hong Kong, accounting for half of the total number of lung cancer patients. Many of these are young women who have never smoked. Since early symptoms of lung adenocarcinoma are not obvious, patients often fail to notice them, leading to delayed treatment. The Center for Health Protection recommends that if you have any symptoms, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. Through low-dose computed tomography (LDCT), early lung abnormalities can be sensitively detected, which can improve patient survival rates.
Symptoms of Lung Adenocarcinoma:
● Chronic cough lasting three weeks or more
● Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
● Coughing up blood
● Chest pain
● Unexplained weight loss
● Hoarseness
The causes of lung adenocarcinoma are still unclear, but the following are common causes:
● Smoking
● Genetic mutations
● Cooking oil fumes
● Air pollution
● Prolonged exposure to carcinogens, such as silica, asbestos, radon (natural gas accumulating in buildings), heavy metals, or diesel fumes
Lung Health checkup Price: $1,980
Items included:
One low-dose CT scan
Blood oxygen level test
Follow-up by a family medicine specialist or general practitioner before and after the examination
Terms and Conditions:
-Elderly healthcare vouchers are applicable to the above lung health screening.
-Patients must complete follow-up consultations within two months, otherwise an additional doctor's consultation fee will be charged.
-The hospital reserves the final right to provide services and interpret the terms.
Link of Other Medical Chekup Inforamtion
Enquiry & Appointment
Tel: 2711 5222