Ms. Siu Wing Laam Stephanie
Speech Therapist
- providing speech therapy services in elderly home, day care centres for elderly, local hospitals, residential care homes, special schools, special child care centres, mainstream schools and private clinics.
- provides speech, language, voice, literacy, fluency, swallowing, and oral muscles assessment and treatment services to people in need.
- Developmental language disorder and delay, Oral motor disorders, Childhood apraxia of speech, Voice disorders, Hearing impairment, Speech sounds disorders, Dysphagia, Dyslexia, Fluency Disorders, Neurological Communication Disorder, Social communication disorder
Gender | Female |
Professional Qualifications |
Master of Speech therapy – The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Bachelor of Science - University of Hong Kong Member of Register of Speech Therapists accredited by Department of Health HKSAR Member of Register of Speech Therapists of The Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST) Member of the Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists (HKAST) Certified MBSImP™ Practitioner Certified provider of Beckman Oral Motor Examination & Intervention © The Biber Protocol Certificate Practitioner for Dysphagia Rehabilitation Certified provider of Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT) - Adults and Kids Certified provider of Adventures in Voice (AIV) Certified provider of Sara-Rosenfeld Johnson's Oral Placement Therapy (“Talktools Therapy”) level 1 Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPT) Trained Clinician Certified provider of Lidcombe Program: Behavioural treatment for stuttering Certified provider of Manual Therapy Qualified Examiner of The Hong Kong Cantonese Oral Language Assessment Scale (HKCOLAS) Qualified Examiner of The Hong Kong Cantonese Articulation Test (HKCAT) |
Specialist Category | Allied Health - Psychological Assessment & Counselling |
Service Location | Evangel Hospital Psychological Assessment & Counselling Centre |
Consultation Hours |
(Appointment is required. Please call 2176 0222) |
Health Care Voucher |