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Promotional Activities to Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China


The program registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. on 26 September 2024 on a first-come-first-served basis. Act swiftly before the chance slips away!

Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China


To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China,

Evangel Hospital will be having "Holistic Health Promotion" with two special offers to all eligible Hong Kong residents from 1 October 2024 to 31 December 2024. Eligible individuals must use the hospital's mobile application to apply the offer on a first-come-first-served basis. Each eligible person can only enjoy one of these offers.


Grab the chance, share the benefits with family, and celebrate the National Day!


Two Special Offers for "Holistic Health Promotion"


【Special Offer 1】

" Connecting 75 ” Holistic  Health  Promotion


Any Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above, whose Hong Kong Identity Card (HKID) number contains the digits 7 and 5 (the digits 7 & 5 do not need to be consecutive; including the digits inside the brackets), is eligible to enjoy a special price of HK$75 for a medical checkup worth HK$3,875.


Click Here For Plan Details


The promotion is valid from 1 October to 31 December 2024.

A quota of 300 participants will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis until slots are filled.



Terms & Conditions:

Our hospital staff will call the successfully registered participants to schedule a medical examination date. Once the date and time are scheduled, no changes will be allowed.

The promotion is only applicable from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays).

The promotion is valid from 1 October to 31 December 2024, with a quota of 100 participants per month. 

If participants are unable to participate in the program in the selected month, it will be considered as forfeiting the promotion. The Hospital will not make alternative arrangements for other dates.

Participants can only choose between Connecting 75” Holistic Health Promotion and “Delivering Care at 75” Elderly Health Program. Both promotions cannot be enjoyed simultaneously.

Participants should fast (no food) for at least 6 hours before the checkup appointment (avoid eating gum or sugar) and can drink a small amount of water only.

This offer only includes one session for the doctor to explain the physical examination report and does not cover other diagnostic services. Participants who require consultation, additional items for physical examination, or Shingrix vaccinations will need to pay additional doctor consultation fees.

In the event that our hospital identifies inaccuracies in your personal information during on-site verification, we reserve the ultimate right to refuse to provide the promotion.

The personal information you provide will only be used for the purpose of this promotional campaign. For information about our institution's data collection policies, please refer to the "Privacy Policy" section of this mobile application.

The hospital reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the promotion without prior notice.

In the event of any dispute regarding this promotion, Evangel Hospital reserves the ultimate right of decision.





【Special Offer 2】


“Delivering Care at 75” Elderly Health Program


Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above can choose one of the following free check-ups/ consultation services:


DEXA Bone Densitometry

Fibro Scan

 Comprehensive Eye Examination

Dietitian’s Consultation Service


The promotion is only valid from 1 October to 31 December 2024,

with a quota of 75 participants per month, a total of 225.

Offers are served on a first-come, first-served basis until slots are filled.



Terms & Conditions:

Participants must be Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above.

Participants can only choose one of the four free check-ups/ consultation services. For participant choosing Fibro Scan service, please fast for at least 3 hours before the consultation.  

Participants must select the date for the free check-up/ consultation service at the time of registration. Once registered, no date changes will be allowed.

Participants can only choose between “Connecting 75” Holistic Health Promotion and “Delivering Care at 75” Elderly Health Program. Both promotions cannot be enjoyed simultaneously.

In the event that our hospital identifies inaccuracies in your personal information during on-site verification, we reserve the ultimate right to refuse to provide the promotion. 

The personal information you provide will only be used for the purpose of this promotional campaign. For information about our institution's data collection policies, please refer to the "Privacy Policy" section of this mobile application.

The hospital reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the promotion without prior notice.

In the event of any dispute regarding this promotion, Evangel Hospital reserves the ultimate right of decision.


How to Apply



Download the Evangel Hospital mobile application

or Scan the QR code with your mobile phone

QR code for downloading Evangel Hospital's mobile application


Next Step


Participants can register for the promotions via Evangel Hospital's mobile application starting at 9 a.m. on 26 September 2024


Next Step


Press the Banner "Sharing Health Promotions in celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China"


Next Step


Select the program offer you wish to participate in and fill in your personal information

Next Step


Participants who successfully registered will receive a confirmation message (SMS) and can check records and discount details through the link


Next Step


【Special Offer 1】
" Connecting 75 ” Holistic  Health  Promotion


  • Our hospital staff will call you to schedule a medical examination date. Once the date and time are scheduled, no changes will be allowed. As there are many participants, we would appreciate it if you could wait patiently.



Our staff will call successful registrants during the following dates, please be aware and answer the phone call:


For participants selecting Oct:

27 Sept to 4 Oct, 2024


For participants selecting Nov:

21 to 30 Oct, 2024


For participants selecting Dec:

18 to 29 Nov, 2024


【Special Offer 2】

“Delivering Care at 75” Elderly Health Program


  • Participants should report to our registration counter on the exact appointment date and time to enjoy the promotional offer. No make-up arrangements will be provided if participants do not arrive at the scheduled date and time.



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