
Women Health Checkup Promotion
Manage Your Health Actions Speak Louder Than Words!
"We often wish our family and friends good health, but managing health requires action! Busy women, in particular, should schedule regular health check-ups. Preventing diseases early is crucial for both you and your loved ones."
Grace Chan Miss Hong Kong 2013
From now until May 30, 2025, customers who purchase the following specified women's health check-up packages can enjoy Free Fibro Scan and Free Haemoglobin A1c test as a gift.
PE111 Well Women Checkup (Standard) $2,460 (Original Price: $3,735) 10 items Free Haemoglobin A1c test
PE110 Well Women Checkup (Comprehensive)$4,080 (Original Price: $6,185) 13 items Free Haemoglobin A1c test
PE28 Well Women Checkup (Smart Choice) $6,080 (Original Price: $12,855) 46 items Free Fibro Scan and Free Haemoglobin A1c test
PE41 Superior Comprehensive Female Checkup$9,855 (Original Price: $20,220) 54 items *$9,308 (Afternoon Discount) Free Fibro Scan and Free Haemoglobin A1c test
PE134 Pre-Marital/Pre-Pregnancy Screening for Female$2,640 (Original Price: $4,240) 11 items
PE19 Prenatal Checkup$2,110 (Original Price: $2,845) 7 items
Download the Plan Details
Terms and Conditions:
-The offer is valid from Monday to Friday (including doctor consultations and follow-ups), excluding public holidays.
-Follow-ups must be completed within two months, otherwise, an additional doctor consultation fee will be charged.
-Checkup packages PE41 and PE28 are eligible for the Free Pick promotion.
-Patients may participate in additional checkup items from the "Optional items" list at a discounted price.
-Elderly Healthcare Vouchers are applicable to the above health check packages.
-This offer cannot be combined with other promotions.
-Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.
-*Afternoon Discount is available from Monday to Friday, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
-The hospital reserves the final right to provide services and interpret the terms.
Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2711 5222

Snake Year Health Checkup Discount
With the Year of the Snake approaching, we wish everyone progress and, most importantly, good health in the New Year! Regular health checkups are an essential part of maintaining good health. Evangel Hospital is offering a range of health checkup discount plans this Lunar New Year to help everyone manage their health along with their loved ones!
Promotion Period: February 3, 2025 - March 31, 2025
Download the Checkup Plan Details
Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2711 5222

Weight Management Program for Children and Adolescents
When children or adolescents overeat and lack exercise to control their weight, they may develop a large number of irreversible fat cells, making it more difficult to lose fat and weight in the future. This can lead to various chronic diseases caused by obesity in the long term. Through professional consultation, participants can effectively control their weight through nutrition and exercise.
Program Features:
No hunger, stay full and healthy while losing weight
Tailored healthy meal plans for participants
Supervised weight loss progress
Customized exercise plans for participants
The program includes:
General practitioner consultation (1 session)
Professional dietary guidance from a registered dietitian (5 sessions)Includes tips for dining out, healthy cooking tips, and how to control hunger and satiety
Targeted exercise guidance from a physiotherapist (4 sessions)Includes physical fitness tests before and after the program, setting exercise goals, and teaching correct exercise methods
Physical Fitness Test (2 sessions)
Program Price:
HKD 3,660 (Original price: HKD 4,500)
Link of Dietetics Counselling Service
Video Link of "Understanding White Fat Cells"
Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2711 5222

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination
Regarding the free cervical cancer vaccination service, Hong Kong's current public health policy mainly targets women and does not cover boys. There are no regular HPV screenings for males. Studies show that approximately 75% of sexually active individuals may be infected with the human papillomavirus (HPV) in their lifetime, with an infection rate as high as 65.1% in men. Many men may not have obvious symptoms after infection but could unknowingly spread the virus, potentially causing genital warts or other cancers. Therefore, preventing HPV infection is not just a woman's responsibility; men should also receive the HPV vaccine to prevent the virus early.
HPV can cause:
Head and neck cancer/ Oropharyngeal cancer
Cervical cancer
Anal cancer
Vaginal cancer
Genital warts (condyloma acuminatum)
Vaccine Eligibility:
Suitable for both males and females
Recommended by doctors for individuals aged 9 and above, with no upper age limit
HPV can cause multiple types of viruses, and individuals who have previously been infected with HPV can also receive the vaccine
Special Price:
Ages 9-14: $2,820 (recommended two doses of the vaccine)
Age 15 and above: $4,230 (recommended three doses of the vaccine)
- The above prices do not include doctor's consultation fees. (Monday to Saturday: $285, Sunday and public holidays: $395)
- If patients receive the vaccine during other consultation services, no additional consultation fees are required.
Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2711 5222

Endoscopy Packages (Day Treatment)
Our hospital offers the following day treatment endoscopic examination services for individuals aged 75 or below, with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 29 or below, and who are not taking anticoagulants or aspirin:
Gastroscopy and Polyp Removal Package:
(Includes Helicobacter pylori urease test)
Intravenous Injection : $10,900
Monitored Anesthesia Care : $13,000
Colonoscopy and Polyp Removal Package:
Intravenous Injection : $13,100
Monitored Anesthesia Care : $15,500
Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy with Polyp Removal Package:
(Includes Helicobacter pylori urease test)
Intravenous Injection : $22,000
Monitored Anesthesia Care : $26,500
Flexible Cystoscopy Package:
Intravenous Injection : $17,000
Monitored Anesthesia Care : $20,000
The above examination packages include:
Anesthetist fees
Endoscopy room fees
Polyp removal (up to three polyps each in the stomach and intestines)
Medications used in the operating room
Report with photographs (one copy)
Terms and Conditions:
-The above endoscopy packages are performed by specialists in our hospital.
-The above endoscopy packages include six hours of hospitalization. If additional hospitalization time is needed, the hospital will charge an additional fee of $210 per hour.
-The above package fees do not include the first and follow-up doctor's outpatient consultation fee, hospitalization, and discharge medications.
-The doctor has full discretion to decide whether the above package fees apply to individual patients based on their conditions.
-Additional treatment procedures will incur extra charges, such as foreign body removal, hemostasis, hemorrhoid ligation, biopsy, etc.
-The above packages include the removal of up to three polyps in the stomach and three polyps in the intestines (not interchangeable). Additional polyp removal will require extra charges; please consult the doctor for details.
-If upon admission, the patient is diagnosed with a different condition requiring treatment or services different from the original plan, the hospital may cancel the related package and charge the fees required for the new treatment.
-The above package offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions.
-The hospital reserves the right to change the above terms and conditions without prior notice.
-In case of any dispute, Evangel Hospital reserves the final decision.
Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2711 5222

Lung Health Screening Program - Lung Adenocarcinoma
Young non-smoking women can also get lung cancer
Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in Hong Kong, with more than 5,000 new cases diagnosed each year, causing nearly 4,000 deaths. It is generally believed that lung cancer patients are mostly long-term smokers or people exposed to carcinogens. However, an average of 3,000 new cases of lung adenocarcinoma are diagnosed each year in Hong Kong, accounting for half of the total number of lung cancer patients. Many of these are young women who have never smoked. Since early symptoms of lung adenocarcinoma are not obvious, patients often fail to notice them, leading to delayed treatment. The Center for Health Protection recommends that if you have any symptoms, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. Through low-dose computed tomography (LDCT), early lung abnormalities can be sensitively detected, which can improve patient survival rates.
Symptoms of Lung Adenocarcinoma:
● Chronic cough lasting three weeks or more
● Shortness of breath or rapid breathing
● Coughing up blood
● Chest pain
● Unexplained weight loss
● Hoarseness
The causes of lung adenocarcinoma are still unclear, but the following are common causes:
● Smoking
● Genetic mutations
● Cooking oil fumes
● Air pollution
● Prolonged exposure to carcinogens, such as silica, asbestos, radon (natural gas accumulating in buildings), heavy metals, or diesel fumes
Lung Health checkup Price: $1,980
Items included:
One low-dose CT scan
Blood oxygen level test
Follow-up by a family medicine specialist or general practitioner before and after the examination
Terms and Conditions:
-Elderly healthcare vouchers are applicable to the above lung health screening.
-Patients must complete follow-up consultations within two months, otherwise an additional doctor's consultation fee will be charged.
-The hospital reserves the final right to provide services and interpret the terms.
Link of Other Medical Chekup Inforamtion
Enquiry & Appointment Tel: 2711 5222